Monday, April 25, 2011


I will admit I have an unholy union with shoes.. I love them.. I have a least 4 pairs in my closet that I have only worn once.. or never worn...this is not about MY shoes..this is about the shoes I hate...

MY CHILDREN'S shoes....

They never can find them.. WHY OH WHY can you never find your shoes? They never fit.. even if I just bought them.. they grow so fast... and Jayme is pretty picky so if it tugs, pokes, rubs, shines, scuffs, freys or as you will read..WRINKLES...she is over the edge and has no desire to wear them. (sometimes flat out refuses) Even though they wear the same size, Carly Jo would NEVER be allowed to wear Jayme's shoes or visa versa...DON'T even THINK it..

This being said, I went out on Friday and bought new shoes for each of my children.. flip flops and cute little tennis shoes. Because I am SICK to death of.. "where are my shoes?" "These hurt" blah blah blah you get my point. FRIDAY....

Fast forward to today... MONDAY. Wake up at 6:45...sing the morning song...time to get up and get dressed...Carly Jo can't find her shoes...and she can find ONE flip flop. Jayme is irritated because the tongue on her shoe is wrinkled and she wants to wear her flip flops.. (can't it is PE day)(AND RAINING). repeat.. her shoe is WRINKLED... WRINKLED???? Annabelle can't get her shoes on, she is trying to force them on the wrong feet. McKenna is dressed and being an angel..muuuuahhh love you Kenna.

We searched for Carly Jo's shoes until 7:55...we are supposed to leave the house at 7:45. In the process I have dumped out every toy box, I have looked behind every couch, under every bed, looked in every closet. I even sent Carly jo outside to see if she left them out...(it's raining remember?) insert parenting award. I was turning into a BANCHEE....

Finally, trying to get the kids  in the car.. Carly jo is standing in the den with no shoes on.. I said.." are you SERIOUS? WHERE ARE YOUR SHOES? DIDN'T YOU WEAR THEM TO GRANDMAS LAST NIGHT?" ... blank stare..."no I wore kenna's flip flops" (insert peanut gallery) "No you didn't Carly Jo, I wore my flip flops"....

Suddenly.. with a flick of the head a light bulb went off in Carly Jo's head...she jumped up and ran into the other room...
Comes out with her tennis shoes.

"WHERE.... WERE.... THEY?"

behind the tub....she wanted to make sure no one else touched them.....

BEHIND THE TUB.....of course, makes total sense and probably the only place in the house I didn't' look...

She is going to be the death of me.

(Now I have to go clean up the toy box mess I made this morning....)


  1. Oh, Lord have mercy on YOU!!!! Well.....let's get a shoe bucket or something and if your shoes don't go into the bucket then you're GROUNDED FROM ALL THINGS FUN! It would work in theory!!! However implementation would be the problem!

  2. I can't tell you how funny that is!! :) I am cracking up at my desk- and the mother helpers are staring at me! :) I can just picture her finding the shoes! Good luck with the toy boxes!

  3. The funniest part is you can see her brain working.. hilarious. For sure she is one of a kind...(thank the gods) ;)

  4. I just read your blog from yesterday. Loved it! Not that you were going out of your mind with frustration...Just finding comfort that I'm not the Only mom going through those episodes of Where Are My... Lauren just found the missing Wii remote that has been M.I.A. for the past four weeks. Where? Behind her bed. Why? Good question since the Wii is downstairs in the Living Room. Lauren blames Carter, which is probably a valid accusation. Now if we can just find that Tangled DVD that we lost on day two of owning! It's funny how the very same situations that drive us Insane when it's happening, can make us laugh later. If we could only remember that when we're being tortured in the moment!

    May The Force be with us Moms Everywhere trying to keep it together!

