Sunday, April 3, 2011

And then there is this...

I always knew that Carly Jo was a special one. It seems like from the first day she was with us there has just been ... something about her. As she became a toddler it was OBVIOUS she was going to be a doozy. Always getting into things..going a mile a minute watching every move we made and most of all... NOT overly impressed with the tv, movies, computer. She always is the one in trouble always the one that is living on the edge of that very last nerve of mine. SUPER sweet..super sensitive...and smart..but..not very attentive or an easy learner.

So it really wasn't a shock that in our last parent teacher conference the teacher indicated that she was worried that something wasn't "clicking" in Sweet Carly Jo's brain. Perhaps we should consider getting her tested for ADD. Don't they say that about every kid who doesn't fit the mold? Well..normally I would say yes, but I don't think this teacher is "one of those" as a matter of fact I am quite sure she isn't. And I truly believe she has Carly Jo's best interest in mind and only wants the very best for her. So that helps..

AND PLUS... well I have been living with Carly Jo for 6 years now so, I get it.

Even though that should have been a DUH moment... it still hurt. Who wants to admit that something might be "broken" in their child? Who wants to admit that there is a chance that everything academically is going to be a challenge, a struggle and a fight? Surely not me...but it is time..or is it? Truth is, I love this little kid to the point of actual pain. She is completely unbelievable, at times..not so much in a good way..but most of the time..she is just...I can't explain it. You just really have to know her to fully appreciate...

But back to ADD....

I have no idea where to even start, do I start at the Primary Dr.? And then what do I say? "My 6 year old is having a hard time concentrating." That seems a little ridiculous. Yet it is apparent to me, and everyone around that there is an issue that should be addressed in some capacity.  Do I take her to a phsycologist? A Neurosurgeon? Does it have to be solved with drugs, there has to be a better way..but if drugs end up being the only way.. then can I find a way to be okay with that?

I am going to try and cut out the gluten in our diets..but that is WAAAAY easier said than done. I can also cut out on the processed sugars, there isn't much of that anyway.

I am reading a book now, that a friend gave me on Friday, called Different Learners. That seems like a pretty good place to start, we will see if I can get some good stuff out of there.

I have to find peace with whatever I do, and find a way to find comfort in the fact that we will do the right thing for Carly Jo. And get over this horrible feeling in my it..Failure? is it defeat? Sadness?

I don't know. I guess I didn't REALLY expect for all my kids to come out perfect....did I? Didn't I?  DIDN'T I??

I read somewhere that most of the worlds top businessmen and inventors have ADD
Some also claim that - Beethoven, Da Vinci, Ansel Adams and Hans Christian Anderson - are all thought to have had it as well...Maybe it is a sign of Genius...


  1. I feel your pain. But, maybe this will make you laugh.....I asked JC which one of the girls had ADHD.....without a beat he said "Carly Jo!" takes one to mow one!!! LOL!!!
