Friday, October 12, 2012

A Nice Cup of Hot Chocolate

Yes, this is the group of kids we took to the zoo...if you look can see three very lucky boys! 

After a fun, but chilly day at the zoo I promised the kids some hot chocolate. Since I refuse to pay 10.00 at the KC Zoo for 4 cups of what I am sure was Swiss Miss, we stopped by the local Walmart to pick some up to make at home. HELLO... all of brands contained corn syrup, and MOST of them contained hydrogenated vegetable oil... that is not my cup of hot chocolate. So I came home to find a new way to have hot chocolate... (we did pick up some marshmallows while we were there. Read the labels... many marshmallows have food dye in them.) 

At home I did a little research on the internet and found Alton Brown's idea of delicious hot is here

And then I doctored it up. Here is what I came up with

2 cups organic powered sugar
1 cup organic Sucanat
1 cup cocoa powder
1 cup organic dry milk
1 tsp salt
2 tsp cornstarch
Mix together and store leftovers for later

Add to hot water or warm milk

The kids loved it and I was happy that there was no trace of corn or any oils with fancy names like "hydrogenated", because really... there is no room for that in the hot chocolate.. for now we will save that for the marshmallows!

Saturday, February 4, 2012


I have been feeling melancholy lately, I think it is because my child will be turning 18 soon. This is probably hard for all mothers but I am finding it especially hard. I was only 19 when I had Taylor and in so many ways I grew up with her. I am sure I have made many mistakes and there are definitely things I look back on and cringe, but more than that I look at this beautiful child who is smart, talented and has a heart for people in need... and I am so proud. I did this..

This month is full of college visits and preparations for life outside of this safety of this house. I know she is ready but I don't think that I am.
This is Taylor singing at her high schools masterworks concert in January. She was the soloists and I am so very proud of her. I can't wait to see the treasure that this beautiful woman brings to the world.