Saturday, February 5, 2011

They say blogging makes you feel better...

Oh how I wish I could respond to ignorance and insensitivity faster and with more wit and sarcastic enthusiasm.  Most of the time though, I just sit with this look on my face like whaa?? and come up with a great reply 5 days later when I am still asking myself WHO SAYS THINGS LIKE THAT?  People are such jackholes, I know this, so why does it shock me? Why do I let myself get all worked up? I find myself second I being too sensitive, am I judging this person to harshly...maybe it just came out wrong. Maybe it is just me.....
Race is such a touchy subject. I debated, for a while...  but I am going there.

 Click out now if you don’t want to know.

I have spent the last 16 years of my life trying to teach Taylor that it is important to know the history, the triumphs, the struggles that women have been through, and the struggles she may have in the future because she is a woman, also because she is a woman of color. There will be challenges, but I also try to help her know that she shouldn’t walk around expecting people to be unfair to her, or always keep a wall up or chip on her shoulder, ready for a fight.  Although she might meet some a-holes in the world, she should not let it taint her outlook on life, or how she feels about herself. She needs to embrace her differences, and walk in confidence knowing that she is magnificent and a great addition to this world. She needs to know that if someone cannot see her beauty then they don’t need any energy wasted on them. She will have successes and she will have failures and they will not be because of the color of her skin, but “...the content of her character,” and the fact that life just throws crap at you at times. Pick your head up and keep moving.

When Taylor has to deal with something negative that relates to race, all I can do is listen. It sucks, especially when I feel some situations can be avoided. There have been times that internally I have wanted to punch someone in the face, but externally I encouraged her to rise above it and realize you can’t fight stupid. But it is hard as a mother, when some of the bullshit comments come from adults. ‘splain that Lucy.... it’s tough.

For future reference:

All “mixed kids” are NOT pretty (and for the record, mixed? REALLY? That is ridiculous)
All black people cannot sing, it is a talent, a gift that has nothing to do with the color of a persons skin.
And just because you heard a joke on “In Living Color,” does not mean you can repeat it. It is not gonna be funny coming from you. 

Save everyone from awkward situations and save ME from having to come up with a lame excuse for you.

Amazing....I do feel a little better.

1 comment:

  1. I love it!! Great points. Some of us that are not of color need to be reminded. I think we nievely expect that stupid things like his don't happen anymore. Why would they? Aren't we all normal? That's a big fat NO! some lead with the best of intentions and maybe claim to be guided by God but certainly aren't guided by MY God. Ignorance leads to intolerance.
