Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Airing My Dirty Laundry

Well, actually, all this is clean but you get my point. This is going to be a quick post because I have someone coming over today and OBVIOUSLY...I have to get rid of this mess. right?

We all have little things as moms that we do that we try to hide and pretend aren't there so we can seem more TOGETHER to everyone else. Why do we do that? So much pressure. I am really not that great of a mom sometimes, you know?  SOMETIMES...(my kids go to bed without .... BRUSHING THIER TEETH!) It is true.
Being a mom isn't about having it all together or being perfect, I have a very smart friend who said..."you need both to struggle and to shine" for things to work.  WORD!
So why do we try so hard to pretend like it is never a struggle?

I remember being in a preschool meeting and listening to a woman tell a group of us that she was having SO much fun with her 4 month old twins and her (almost) 2 year old.  FUN?  I could tell all these moms were getting slammed with the guilt, they were tired they were overdrawn..and maybe they only had 1 kid. What was wrong with them.....what where THEY doing WRONG???  I, of course had been there, was thinking to myself...either she has a TON of help (and or drugs)...or she is TOTALLY LYING. There is no way she was having fun, I mean..seriously. Not saying there wasn't moments of JOY...but .... come on.

Truth: she probably wasn't sleeping, wasn't eating, never had a minute to herself and she probably hadn't showered in a full week.  There would have been no shame in admitting well, maybe the shower part she could have kept hidden.  Listen, I had twins while I had an 18 month old ... IT SUCKED, I mean ... SUHU HUCKED. But I made it through and now...look! Sweet bliss....sort of.  Sometimes it is enough to survive.

My point is that if we women were more honest with each other about things then maybe we all would have an easier road and more time for peace in our souls  knowing that we are trudging along just fine.

So I just showed you think about yours... and EMBRACE IT! It is all good in the hood. Make a decision that you are going to find a new mom and share something with her that...maybe you don't want to...but maybe she would be happy to hear!

I just burned beans while I was writing this, almost started a fire,  so now my house stinks...great...did I mention I have a friend coming over...

1 comment:

  1. So so true! And so funny. Again, I have to say you have such a talent for spilling it and making the rest of us feel a bit more normal for our struggles too. And that's always welcome.
