Thursday, February 3, 2011


I am going to admit to you that I am not the best mom when it comes to regulating TV and game time. I try and I act like I want to ... but here we are snow day number three and I am on TV and DS overload.  In my defense, we have done homework, we have read books, and we have worked in the kitchen along with cleaning the house. But, really that tv has been on...for three days STRAIGHT. Enough is enough, turn it off.... what?
 I decided that I would make play dough and institute some imagination time. No cookie cutters, nothing except your hands, your brain and a a few ingredients from the kitchen.  Even still listen to what we have: snakes, boats, mickey mouse, a rock, a mountain! Endless possibilities.  Right now they are at the table saying nice things and helping each other, and I can have a "you are a good mommy moment"! LOVE THOSE!  Everyone is having a great time!  Now for some sign time, I think I can squeeze in 10 minutes. We shall see!

Here is the recipe, it is super easy and there are lots more on the internet!

Play Dough

  • 3 cups flour
  • 1 1/2 cups salt
  • 3 cups water
  • 1 tablespoons vegetable oil
  • 1 tablespoon cream of tartar
  • a few drops of food coloring

1 comment:

  1. Great job thinking outside the box! Play dough is a wonderful thing! I was going to whip out UNO or a board game ;) if we are out tomorrow I will.
